This portal provides information and tools related to your benefits program and pension plan.
Please enter your user name (4-3-1/SSO) and password to access the site.
Your initial temporary password is your birth month and day in MMDD format, followed by the first four letters of your user name (4-3-1) in upper case or the first four digits of your SSO if you use an SSO number to login.
(4-3-1) example: If your 4-3-1 is BAKER and you were born on May 12, your initial temporary password would be 0512BAKE
SSO # example: If your SSO number is 202202202 and you were born on May 12, your initial temporary password would be 05122022
If you need help logging in, contact the Baker Hughes Benefits Centre at 1 877 445-0145 between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (MST), Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays.